Sunday, December 25, 2005


Well, another Christmas has come and gone. The Brady's Christmas eve party was a blast, followed the next day by the relatively laid-back Christmas day celebration at grandma's. Both parties featured prime-rib as the main course and presents galore. I still enjoy getting a great return on my gift-investments around Christmas time, and I fear the day the tables turn and I am the one coughing up the dough for outlandish gifts.

I got my uncle a 16 pound sledge hammer as a gag gift. He wasn't to pleased to get it, but I gave him the receipt so he can return it for credit. He should be able to trade the big hammer in for a few smaller ones.

I got my best gifts this year from my parents. My mom got me a DVD burner for my computer so I can copy all the movies I want and a TiVo with a built in DVD recorder so I won't have to watch commercials anymore. My dad got me a triple-action miter-chop saw so I can build my granny-unit and garage without permits.


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